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Where others accept the status quo, we help contact centers succeed.

Our Story

From 1998 to 2015, Liberty Call Center Solutions founder, Spencer Nielsen, was managing and traveling to dozens of contact centers across 4 continents.  All of the operations teams acknowledged that coaching was the best way to improve agent and program performance.  Each center had coaching program in place, however, walking around the call centers, from the United States to Panama, or across the globe, it was easy recognize that coaching was not being completed as outlined in the various coaching programs.  Supervisors sat at their desks instead of engaging with agents and focus groups confirmed very little effective coaching occurred.  Performance results followed and also showed that supervisors didn't coach enough, didn't coach the right topics and didn't know how to coach.  Coaching was the greatest challenge operations managers faced: 
  • With status quo coaching programs, the merry-go-round of low tenured agents and ineffective supervisors created a glass ceiling of performance that could not be broken without a new coaching approach.

  • Agents lacked training on the skills they needed to succeed when interacting with customers. 

    • Sales agents were really just order takers.

    • Support agents were just an expense.

    • Collectors were just a call to be avoided.

    • Supervisors were just yesterday's best agent and lacked the experience and skills to coach and motivate agents effectively. 

  • Even with well documented coaching programs and expectations, supervisors mostly avoided coaching because they didn't know what or how to coach effectively. 

  • When supervisors did coach, they made agents defensive, just telling agents what they did wrong or they reviewed an entire call, discussing all QA categories in a single, demoralizing conversation.

  • Agents with little training, low-skill, low-performance, low-engagement and minimal effective coaching, quit their job very quickly.

Recognizing the challenge, Spencer set out on a new approach to improve coaching and program performance.  The status quo was not working.  Workforce had already allotted coaching time, but we needed to make sure that allotted coaching time was actually used by supervisors to effectively coach and train the agents on the right skills and behaviors for success.  We needed a program that provided supervisors who, what and how to coach and that reported who, what and when coaching was completed.  Valor CM was born:

"You wouldn’t send a trainer to a classroom to “wing it” without a training guide and presentation, why send your supervisors to coach without a plan and coaching guide? " ~ Spencer Nielsen

  • Instead of coaching based on a single call, AI and data reports would be utilized to select topics for proactive coaching based on an agent's performance trends.  

  • Each coaching session would focus on, and teach, a single skill or behavior that was essential to top performers.  

  • Just like trainers had specific training courses, supervisors and coaches would have skill-based coaching lessons, teaching the skills and behaviors needed to be a top performer.   

  • The coaching lessons would be dynamic and include coaching tips and instructions, ensuring that coaching sessions were constructive, positive, conversational and included examples, practice and role play.

  • Coaching lessons would be automatically assigned to supervisors based AI data, QA and KPI reports or assigned by management based on individual or team needs.

  • Supervisors would not need to search for coaching topics or training content, everything a coach needed would be part of the coaching form assigned.

  • Reporting would create complete accountability.  Supervisors would be assigned coaching and coaching would be tracked for completion.  

  • Supervisor coaching effectiveness would be measured by agent improvement on the completed coaching topics assigned.

"We take the difficulty out of coaching by providing everything your supervisors need. Valor CM sends assignments directly to supervisors with who, what and how to coach."  

Valor CM 2023

We provide end-to-end performance management utilizing the power of data to objectively determine  each agent’s areas of opportunity and then automatically assign customized training lessons and eLearning worksheets for targeted and effective performance improvement.  We integrate with speech analytics, QA scorecards, customer surveys and KPI reports to determine who and what need to be improved and we provide step-by-step instructions for supervisors to train their agents.  Agent dashboards display complete training history along with performance tracking and improvement related to training completion.   We have helped our clients increase telesales conversion by more than 50% and increase customer retention by 25%.  Valor CM, for Customer Support, has helped our clients increase their agent’s quality scores by an average of 10% and Valor CM for Debt Collections has increased Kept Rate 11% and $ per hour 35%.   

President & CEO

Spencer is a graduate of Brigham Young University and has earned a Master’s Degree from George Mason University.  He has more than 20 years of management experience in the Contact Center industry. Having worked for both BPOs and outsourcers such as TouchCommerce, CGS Inc, Comcast, Charter, UUNET, Nextel and Sprint, Spencer has a unique view of the industry from both ends of the spectrum.  His experience includes working with the largest global contact center providers and with boutique solution BPOs.


Focused on providing leadership, training and coaching tools to employees and business partners, Spencer has helped clients drive success through understanding and managing human behavior patterns as they apply in contract development, operational process, KPI development, quality assurance and performance management.  Spencer believes that leadership starts with trust and that people and relationships continue to be the key driver of successful contact centers.

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Mike attended Brigham Young University and is a graduate of Pass Christian University.  Mike is a certified Master Certified Programmer of Crestron Electronics and has led the build Valor CM from the ground up.  Mike is CTS AVIXA and Biamp TesiraForte certified.  


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Chief Technology Officer

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